Friday, June 19, 2009

No more metal mouth!!!! 6/17/2009

Well folks looks like my journey is nearing its end...I was debraced at 9:45am on Wednesday June 17th, 2009. I was braced for approximately 26.5 months. The ortho popped the brackets off pretty fast and the only thing that bothered me was the awful smell of the glue being "dremel'd" off. The sound was pretty bad too--the kind that a drill makes and it made my whole body shiver at the sound of it. After fixing some uneven edges and polishing, I had 6 molds done. I waited an hour for my wrap around retainers and the entire process took about 2.5 hours. I am waiting for my Essex retainers that will be ready in 3 weeks.

I am soooo happy with the results!! It was a long and emotional road but I made it and I have no regrets. So here are the pics, although I still need a cleaning and whitening. Enjoy!

With wrap around retainer in


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